YouTube Logo Custom Video Embed Generator

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Play Options


Embeds video from Turns off YouTube's tracking until the video plays.
Not supported on Google Chrome and many mobile browsers.


If you select this option, the YouTube logo must be shown in video settings bar. Selecting this will uncheck "Remove YouTube Logo" if you've selected this option already.

Video Control Options

If you select this option, you will only see videos from the same channel of the original video when the video is paused.

Video Embed Code:

Click anywhere within the text box below to copy the embed code

Preview Your Video:

If you're viewing this page on a mobile device, the video preview will always be a fixed height and width.

What does the YouTube custom embed generator do?

The YouTube custom video embed generator tool allows you to specify certain video playback features, video player appearance settings, and other customizable options associated with embedding YouTube videos on other webpages. For example, you may want to embed a YouTube video in an online e-commerce store without having related videos shown after the primary video finishes playing. In this simple example, you can modify the embed code of your YouTube video to not display "related videos".