6 thoughts on “[Guide] How To Add An Email Account From BlueHost In Gmail”

  1. This is not working for me at all. I’ve spent several hours trying to make the link of these emails with blue host and it will not work. I’ve followed this several times and still now working. any other advice?

  2. Your instructions were perfect, however no matter what I do, the confirmation email doesn’t show up. I also tried just adding it as an alias, and same thing – it’s not in bluehost nor in my gmail account, and I have checked the Junk, Spam, and All Mail folders. Simply not there. The bummer is I can’t proceed until I get the email. I have tried multiple times. Any ideas?

  3. Hi, this was really helpful. Is there any way where I would be able to set it the email up where I can view the Blue Host emails separate from the Gmail email? I have both the Blue Host and my Gmail emails now being sent to the same inbox through gmail. There is a tab though where if I click it, I can see only the Blue Host’s emails. But there my regular inbox still has emails from both. Hope that made sense??

    Thanks for your help!

    • In GMail, create an appropriate label, then setup a filter for the TO field with your bluehost email address and select the label created earlier

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